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推文/My Family by Damian Wayne (大米为主亲情)

标题:Grade School 系列之 My Family by Damian Wayne
地址:AO3 (2P短篇完结)
中翻:(7/7/17更新) 找到中翻啦!!!默墨陌蓦_小甜饼专业户 

Grade School 系列的开始从老爷觉得10岁的大米应该要有同年龄的非英雄朋友,所以把他送到普通学校上课,陆陆续续闹出的闹剧。Batfam全员出场。系列还在继续但是单独的小故事都完结,有连结性但是也可以单独看完,目录:

  1. The First Day of School

  2. Knives (大哥操了个老心)

  3. Gym Class

  4. Peer Pressure

  5. Bully (一直和提姆格格不入,但是发生了转折!! 表白提姆!!!)

  6. Field Trip (要看桶的强推这个!!超可爱!!!)

  7. The Flu (超暖的米不想把感冒传染给家人们)

  8. Christmas (姐姐们的恶作剧开始闹到不可收拾最后还是老爷收场)

  9. My Family by Damian Wayne

  10. Parent Teacher Conference

  11. Valentine's Day

  12. The Art Contest

  13. Family Day

这次超级推荐#9, Richard·弟控·Grayson 在大米的书包里看到了大米的作文描写了大米对全家人的看法,兴奋地看了十几遍召唤全家人来读。还和阿福决定了要把四张都贴在冰箱上。大米还提到四个宠物, Goliath也被翻牌了,实力可爱!!!!

My “siblings” come next. 

Cain is my only sister. Cain is quiet, thoughtful, and intelligent. She is a dignified and compassionate individual, and cares very much for everyone in our family. She has experienced much in life, but, somehow, has come out stronger for it. Better. I admire that about her. In addition, she is very capable – one of the most skilled individuals I have met in my life. And she puts her skills to good use. I enjoy working with her more than most members of my family. I believe we work well together, and she has a professionalism that I appreciate. I respect her immensely.


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